BlackBerry Ltd - Company Profile

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The following section provides information on BlackBerry Ltd’s senior management, executives, CEO and key decision makers and their roles in the organization. For more insight into BlackBerry Ltd's management and employees, unlock the full data with our company analytics monitoring tool.


Richard Lynch

Chairman Executive Board Since: 2013 Age: 75

Mr. Richard Lynch is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company since 2013. Prior to this, he served as Executive Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer at Verizon Communications and Verizon Wireless. Mr. Richard worked as the Chairman at Ribbon Communications and as a director at Ruckus Wireless. He also served on a number of professional organizations including the GSM Association, the Federal Communications Commission Technical Advisory Committee, the CDMA Development Group, and the Communications Security Reliability and Interoperability Council.

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John J. Giamatteo

Chief Executive Officer; Director Executive Board Since: 2023 Age: 57

Mr. John Giamatteo has been the Director and Chief Executive Officer of the company since December 2023. Prior to this, he served as the President and Chief Revenue Officer at McAfee. Previously, he served as the Chief Operating Officer at AVG Technologies. Mr. John also held various positions at Solera, RealNetworks and Nortel Networks.

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Steve Rai

Chief Financial Officer Senior Management

Mr. Steve Rai is the Chief Financial Officer of the company. Previously, he served as the Corporate Controller and Vice President of the company since 2014 to 2019. Prior to this, he served as the Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the company. Prior to this, he held various senior management positions at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and TSX Venture Exchange.

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Jesse Harold

Chief Information Officer Senior Management

Mr. Jesse Harold is the Chief Information Officer of the company. Previously, he served as the Senior Manager, Senior Director, and Vice President of the company and joined the company in 2008.

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Charles Eagan

Chief Technology Officer Senior Management Since: 2018

Mr. Charles has been the Chief Technology Officer of the company since 2018. Previously he served as Global Head of Electronics at Dyson Ltd (UK). Prior to this, he served as BlackBerry’s Global Head of Device Software, and spearheaded development of the BlackBerry 10 operating system and the transition to secure Android.

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