Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd - Company Profile

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Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd: Premium Databases

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Idemitsu Kosan Midstream

Midstream database provides details on global active, upcoming , decommissioned, and cancelled oil & gas pipelines, LNG regasification and liquefaction terminals, liquid storage terminals, underground gas storage facilities, and gas processing plants.

A sample of Idemitsu Kosan Midstream data

Pipeline Type Operator Length (km)
Showing 1 of 1 results.
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Knarr Gas Gas Pipeline Gassco AS 106


Comprehensive database providing detailed information on Liquids Storage, Pipelines, Gas Storage, Gas Processing, LNG Liquefaction, LNG Regasification


Over 40 different parameters to query data including geography, facility type, operational status, start year, operator and equity owners, capacity, development stage, capital expenditure. Historic and future estimates for capital expenditure and capacity provided at the project level, as well as by company.


Supports multiple workflows, adding value with details on midstream assets and projects across oil & gas pipelines, LNG regasification terminals, LNG liquefaction terminals (both large-scale and small-scale terminals), liquid storage terminals, underground gas storage facilities, and gas processing plants in the company's portfolio.

Premium databases is part of our industry range of products

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