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View up-to-date information on RealPage, Inc. patents, including inventor and filing insights.

Patent Trends

Publication Identifier Document Type Title Classification-CPC Publication Date
US20220217107A1 Application INTERACTION DRIVEN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM AND USES FOR SAME, INCLUDING TRAVEL OR REAL ESTATE RELATED CONTEXTS G06F16/9535; G06F16/9566; G06F3/0481; G06F40/295; G06F40/30; G06N20/00; G06N3/006; G06N5/02; G06N5/022; G06N5/025; G06N5/046; H04L51/02; H04L51/046; H04L67/02; H04L67/146; H04L67/20 July 07, 2022
US11288317B2 Grant System for refining cognitive insights using travel-related cognitive graph vectors G06F16/2237; G06F16/9024 March 29, 2022
US11283738B2 Grant Interaction driven artificial intelligence system and uses for same, including travel or real estate related contexts G06F16/9535; G06F16/9566; G06F3/0481; G06F40/295; G06F40/30; G06F40/40; G06F9/451; G06N20/00; G06N3/006; G06N5/02; G06N5/022; G06N5/025; G06N5/046; G06Q50/14; H04L51/02; H04L51/046; H04L67/02; H04L67/146; H04L67/20 March 22, 2022
US11240184B2 Grant Interaction driven artificial intelligence system and uses for same, including presentation through portions of web pages G06F16/9535; G06F16/9566; G06F3/0481; G06F40/295; G06F40/30; G06F40/40; G06F9/451; G06N20/00; G06N3/006; G06N5/02; G06N5/022; G06N5/025; G06N5/046; G06Q50/14; H04L51/02; H04L51/046; H04L67/02; H04L67/146; H04L67/20 February 01, 2022
US11138249B1 Grant Systems and methods for the creation, update and use of concept networks to select destinations in artificial intelligence systems G06F16/3347; G06F16/35; G06F16/90332; G06F16/951; G06F16/9537; G06F40/30; G06N20/00; G06N5/02 October 05, 2021
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