Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc - Company Profile

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Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc: Premium Databases

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Thermo Fisher Scientific Medical Clinical Trials

A database of clinical trials planned, currently ongoing, completed, suspended, withdrawn, and terminated in countries around the world.

A sample of Thermo Fisher Scientific Medical Clinical Trials data

Medical Clinical Trials


The Medical Clinical Trials database is the most comprehensive clinical trials database in the market


Covers planned, ongoing, completed and terminated / suspended / withdrawn trials, and outlines information regarding trial type, study design, objective, end points, patient details, results, investigators, locations, contact details, and expected completion date.


Helps clients to keep an eye on planned or ongoing trials, as well as the trials currently recruiting and who is sponsoring them, understand where trials are running, who is the investigator, and when the trial should finish so they can ensure they are ahead of their competitors

Premium databases is part of our industry range of products

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